Be part of an exceptional DofE Open Expedition

Join a group of like-minded individuals to complete your DofE Practice and/or Qualifying expedition.

"I could not have asked for a better company. So much support and guidance was provided. The instructors had so much knowledge, making the expedition so interesting".

Hannah Winpenny - DofE Gold Open Expedition Participant

Open DofE Expedition programmes include:

  • Training / Refresher
  • Practice Expedition
  • Qualifying Expedition 

All DofE participants need to complete a period of training followed by a Practice and then a Qualifying Expedition. You can choose to take part in one of these elements with us, or both, the choice is yours. Many participants choose to join us for their full expedition experience and along the way gain a group of long lasting friends who've shared in the experience with them.

Our comprehensive expedition programmes are ideal for making the expedition process challenging and as enjoyable as possible. Friendly and expertly trained instructors are always available to help and guide you through the process.

Incredible DofE Expedition Locations

Our Open DofE expeditions are delivered in some of the best locations in the UK. Chosen for their suitability to fulfil the requirements of the award as well as ease of access by car and public transport.

Locations dofe expeditions

We are here for you.

Before you even book your place, we are here to help and answer any questions. Just drop an email to the office, or give us a call, we are here to help you.

Joining an Open Expedition programme may mean coming away on your own and this can be a scary prospect. This is why we want to make the process as enjoyable and as easy as possible. As soon as your place is booked you'll receive an email with all of your joining instructions along with a helpful booklet - 'DofE Guidance for Participants, Parents and Guardians'.

Group of girls sitting by their stoves cooking dunner on a DofE expedition.
Team smiling and looking happy holding company flag after completing their DofE expedition.
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What to expect if you join a DofE Open Gold Expedition

What to expect if you join a DofE Open Gold Expedition

It can feel a little daunting to commit to spending almost 5 days, 24 hours each day, with a group of people you have most probably never met before. However, it’s not all that bad. In fact, it’s a very positive experience.

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10 Steps to help you prepare for your next challenge event.

10 Steps to help you prepare for your next challenge event.

Would you get off the sofa and try to run a marathon without any training? No?! With a good base level of fitness, endurance and cardiovascular training, the challenge will still be hard, but the enjoyment levels will be higher and you’ll minimise the risk of injury.

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