A leading DofE Expedition & Residential Provider.

As a DofE Approved Activity Provider (AAP), we are experts in providing exceptional Expeditions and Residential programmes.

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Working with Schools, Groups and Individuals to achieve in their DofE Awards. 

The benefits of completing a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award / DofE Award are huge. It offers a great opportunity for personal development and growth along with expanding practical skills. 


Taking part in a the DofE Award will develop the skills and attitudes young people need to become more rounded, confident adults. 

These are qualities that colleges, universities and employers are attracted to. So when a young person pursues their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, they’re investing in their future.

A young person will develop in so many areas as they work through their DofE Award:

  • Self-belief and self-confidence
  • A sense of identity
  • Initiative and a sense of responsibility
  • A real awareness of their strengths
  • New talents and abilities
  • The ability to plan and use time effectively
  • Learning from and giving to others in the community
  • Forming new friendships
  • Problem solving, presentation and communication skills
  • Leadership and teamworking skills.

What DofE services can we offer you?

Open Expeditions for Individuals

DofE Gold Residentials

School and Group Expeditions

DofE Expedition Support Services

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What to expect if you join a DofE Open Gold Expedition

What to expect if you join a DofE Open Gold Expedition

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10 Steps to help you prepare for your next challenge event.

10 Steps to help you prepare for your next challenge event.

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