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What to expect if you join a DofE Open Gold Expedition

What to expect if you join a DofE Open Gold Expedition

It can feel a little daunting to commit to spending almost 5 days, 24 hours each day, with a group of people you have most probably never met before. However, it’s not all that bad. In fact, it’s a very positive experience.

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How to keep to your kit dry on a DofE expedition

How to keep to your kit dry on a DofE expedition

Arriving in camp and finding everything is wet, could really ruin your DofE expedition experience. Spend time to take care of your equipment, ensure all important items and clothing are protected from any rain and have a far more comfortable expedition.

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How to fit a rucksack correctly

How to fit a rucksack correctly

Ever wondered why your rucksack feels so heavy and uncomfortable? Having a correctly fitted rucksack can seriously improve your comfort levels and your overall enjoyment whilst on an expedition.

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3 Key considerations before buying a rucksack for a DofE Expedition

3 Key considerations before buying a rucksack for a DofE Expedition

Before you head out to make the purchase of a rucksack ready fo your DofE Expedition, take some time to consider these 3 key factors. It will make all the difference and might save you some money.

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What Equipment is Provided on our DofE Expeditions?

What Equipment is Provided on our DofE Expeditions?

We recognise the potential high costs of needing to buy equipment when completing your DofE Expedition. So, when you book a DofE expedition with The Adventure Element, you'll benefit from the use of modern, up to date equipment. This helps to minimise your expenses.

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