Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Totam architecto earum veniam doloremque minima unde quo aspernatur neque rerum ratione. Ut illum voluptate corrupti alias inventore mollitia adipisci aliquam quis.

Officia, asperiores. Voluptatem eum incidunt atque, soluta perspiciatis omnis illum excepturi architecto in, eveniet, asperiores quia distinctio necessitatibus ipsa eos odio nesciunt dolor ex nam debitis. Nam sequi non cupiditate.

Ipsa at vero voluptatem enim? Hic error esse non sit saepe voluptatibus, quibusdam aspernatur tempora repudiandae aperiam quas tempore maiores dolorem quia cumque quod? Placeat expedita nemo corporis consequuntur commodi?

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Preparing your Adventure Triathlon Transition Bag

Preparing your Adventure Triathlon Transition Bag

When taking on one of our Adventure Triathlon events like Race the Sun, or Pedal, Paddle, Peak, that combines 3 phases of cycling, hiking and canoeing, the time spent in ‘transition’ are key to helping prepare and maintain your comfort in the next phase of the event. When it comes to FAQs, ‘Prepping a Transition Bag’ is one of our most asked questions.

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What to expect if you join a DofE Open Gold Expedition

What to expect if you join a DofE Open Gold Expedition

It can feel a little daunting to commit to spending almost 5 days, 24 hours each day, with a group of people you have most probably never met before. However, it’s not all that bad. In fact, it’s a very positive experience.

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