
  • International Mountain Leader
  • Summer Mountain Leader
  • Rock Climbing Instructor
  • MIA Trained
  • BCU Level 2 Canoe
  • BC Mountain bike leader Level 2 
  • DofE Assessor
  • First Aid 
  • First Aid for mental health Level 2

How did your career in the outdoors start?

I grew up in the Netherlands and always been sporty and active. While watching TV one day, I saw someone climbing, and knew that was what I wanted to do! I asked for my next birthday for an indoor climbing session and from that moment I was hooked! 

After I finished school I continued to Sports College and focussed on the great outdoors! This has given me so many opportunities and eventually I decided to carry on in the UK with my qualifications and now I am working all over the world with young people or adults! What a job :)

What's been your most memorable outdoor experience?

Ooh this is a hard question. There are so many! The beauty of being able to work and play in the outdoors. I once had a bivi on top of Helvellyn in the winter with a very keen group of young people! That was pretty amazing as they totally embraced the experience in the freezing cold. Also I love a good sunset/sunrise in the mountains and Africa is proven to be a pretty ace location for that.

What's your one piece of 'can't do without' kit?

Headwear! Choosing this means I can get 2 'can't do with out' pieces in! I do love a good beanie and can't go on an adventure with out a buff, they are so versatile and I can use it in different situations. 

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