DofE Silver Canoe Expedition

The world passes by so much slower when travelling by canoe and the everything is seen from a different perspective.

10 days
9 nights
£650pp + VAT (Min. Team Size 8)
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What to expect if you join a DofE Open Gold Expedition

What to expect if you join a DofE Open Gold Expedition

It can feel a little daunting to commit to spending almost 5 days, 24 hours each day, with a group of people you have most probably never met before. However, it’s not all that bad. In fact, it’s a very positive experience.

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10 Steps to help you prepare for your next challenge event.

10 Steps to help you prepare for your next challenge event.

Would you get off the sofa and try to run a marathon without any training? No?! With a good base level of fitness, endurance and cardiovascular training, the challenge will still be hard, but the enjoyment levels will be higher and you’ll minimise the risk of injury.

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