Choosing your sleeping mat for a DofE Expedition
Category: DofE Advice and Guidance
Posted by Ben Keen - Director

Getting a good nights sleep is so important during your DofE expedition. What sleeping mat your choose to use will huge effect on this. Have a great nights sleep, not just a good one.
All DofE expedition participants will be required to complete nights sleeping in a tent (there is an exception to this rule for some DofE Bronze participants).
The amount of nights for each level of the DofE Award expedition are:
Bronze = 1 Night
Silver = 2 Nights
Gold = 3 Nights
Choosing what you sleep on has a huge impact on how comfortable and how warm your nights sleep will be. Therefore, take some time to choose a sleeping mat option that suits your budget, your required level of comfort and also the weight you'd like to carry in your rucksack.