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How to fit a rucksack correctly

How to fit a rucksack correctly

Ever wondered why your rucksack feels so heavy and uncomfortable? Having a correctly fitted rucksack can seriously improve your comfort levels and your overall enjoyment whilst on an expedition.

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3 Key considerations before buying a rucksack for a DofE Expedition

3 Key considerations before buying a rucksack for a DofE Expedition

Before you head out to make the purchase of a rucksack ready fo your DofE Expedition, take some time to consider these 3 key factors. It will make all the difference and might save you some money.

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The Measurement of Success

The Measurement of Success

Summit attempts start the day or evening before when plans are made, you pack your bag and head for an early night tucked in warm comfortable sleeping bags. Pretending to sleep the brain runs through what could possibly happen the following day. The ultimate question is - Will there be success?

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Top 5 Avalanche Awareness and Avoidance tools which every winter mountain user should have.

Top 5 Avalanche Awareness and Avoidance tools which every winter mountain user should have.

Given some simple avalanche awareness and avoidance tools and techniques, there is no reason why a winter mountaineer, skier, snowshoer or hill walker can't build their knowledge and skill level to plan and enjoy a safe day out in the wonderful winter mountains.

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Winter Mountain Boots: How to ensure you buy the right winter boot.

Winter Mountain Boots: How to ensure you buy the right winter boot.

Arguably the most important piece of equipment you'll purchase for a winter day out in the mountains. Winter boots are certainly a work horse. They form a major part of your 'tools of the trade' and are the absolute foundation for your day out in the winter mountains.

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