
  • Mountain Leader Summer
  • DofE Assessor
  • First Aid

How did your career in the outdoors start?

In July 2014 I went on a trekking trip to Greenland and became good friends with our guide Dagny. She encouraged me to explore the outdoor route further and to become a Mountain Leader as she could see how much I loved the outdoors and working with people. I took 2015 off work to gain the necessary skills and experience. I spent most of  my time that year outdoors and living in a tent or landrover! I successfully completed my ML training and ML summer assessment in 2015 with Plas y Brenin.

What's been your most memorable outdoor experience?

I love the outdoors and cannot get enough of it. There are so many memorable moments and honestly I won't be able to decide which one was my favourite. Just being in nature makes me happy. I like to try new things and expand my comfort zone, exploring and having an adventure. Hiking, Cycling, Fell Running etc. Trekking in Greenland & Nepal and Cycling in Thailand are definitely highlights. The most unforgettable and rewarding experience was volunteering at the Shree Rameshwary school in Bungkot, Ghorka, Nepal.

What's your one piece of 'can't do without' kit?

My travel and outdoor companion called "Ducky". Never loose your inner child!

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Preparing your Adventure Triathlon Transition Bag

Preparing your Adventure Triathlon Transition Bag

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