
  • Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor
  • Rock Climbing Instructor
  • Summer Mountain Leader
  • Level 4 Canoe Coach
  • Level 4 Kayak Coach
  • British Cycling Level 2 Mountain Bike Leader
  • National Standards Cycling Instructor
  • DofE Assessor
  • First Aid

How did your career in the outdoors start? 

At the age of 12 I started kayaking with some friends on our local river in a boat that was about the size of the titanic! I was wearing a woolly jumper my grandma had knitted. After this first introduction to adventure I took up climbing at school led by a young teacher who was a true inspiration to me. However, my career truly started after university when I had no Idea what I wanted to do next so took a trainee post at an outdoor centre in Northumberland. Over 25 years later I have never done anything else.

What's been your most memorable outdoor experience?

Wow... That’s a hard one to answer. Climbing big walls in Yosemite and in particular getting off the Lost Arrow Spire via a big tyrolean hanging 1000m in space. 

Paddling the 3rd decent of a grade 5 river in Laos. We had been told unless we were walking on rock then it was a big risk to be out your boat to scout a rapid or to portage around anything too difficult, this was because of old land mines remaining from the Vietnam war.

(Type 2 fun often makes memories)

But there have been so many good times and fond memories made whilst being outdoors it's just so hard to really pick only one. Sorry.

What's your one piece of "can't-do-without" kit?

A Synthetic filled insulated jacket has to be one of my go to pieces of kit for British weather because of there ability to keep me warm in our often damp climate.

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